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Automatically update TLSA records on new Letsencrypt Certs

Plain text iconcheck_tlsa.sh.txt812 bytes
Plain text icondnssec.sh.txt3.88 KB

I've been using DNSSEC for some quite time now and it is working quite well. When LetsEncrypt went public beta I jumped on the train and migrated many services to LE-based TLS. However there was still one small problem with LE certs: 

When there is a new cert, all of the old TLSA resource records are not valid anymore and might give problems to strict DNSSEC checking clients. It took some while until my pain was big enough to finally fix it by some scripts.

There are at least two scripts involved:

1) dnssec.sh
This script does all of my DNSSEC handling. You can just do a "dnssec.sh enable-dnssec domain.tld" and everything is configured so that you only need to copy the appropriate keys into the webinterface of your DNS registry.

host:~/bin# dnssec.sh
No parameter given.
Usage: dnsec.sh MODE DOMAIN

MODE can be one of the following:
enable-dnssec : perform all steps to enable DNSSEC for your domain
edit-zone     : safely edit your zone after enabling DNSSEC
create-dnskey : create new dnskey only
load-dnskey   : loads new dnskeys and signs the zone with them
show-ds       : shows DS records of zone
zoneadd-ds    : adds DS records to the zone file
show-dnskey   : extract DNSKEY record that needs to uploaded to your registrar
update-tlsa   : update TLSA records with new TLSA hash, needs old and new TLSA hashes as additional parameters

For updating zone-files just do a "dnssech.sh edit-zone domain.tld" to add new records and such and the script will take care e.g. of increasing the serial of the zone file. I find this very convenient, so I often use this script for non-DNSSEC-enabled domains as well.

However you can spot the command line option "update-tlsa". This option needs the old and the new TLSA hashes beside the domain.tld parameter. However, this option is used from the second script: 

2) check_tlsa.sh
This is a quite simple Bash script that parses the domains.txt from letsencrypt.sh script, looking up the old TLSA hash in the zone files (structured in TLD/domain.tld directories), compare the old with the new hash (by invoking tlsagen.sh) and if there is a difference in hashes, call dnssec.sh with the proper parameters: 

set -e
for i in `cat /etc/letsencrypt.sh/domains.txt | awk '{print $1}'` ; do
        domain=`echo $i | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."} ; {print $(NF-1)"."$NF}'`
        #echo -n "Domain: $domain"        TLD=`echo $i | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."}; {print $NF}'`
        #echo ", TLD: $TLD"        OLDTLSA=`grep -i "in.*tlsa" /etc/bind/${TLD}/${domain} | grep ${i} | head -n 1 | awk '{print $NF}'`
        if [ -n "${OLDTLSA}" ] ; then
                #echo "--> ${OLDTLSA}"                # Usage: tlsagen.sh cert.pem host[:port] usage selector mtype
                NEWTLSA=`/path/to/tlsagen.sh $LEPATH/certs/${i}/fullchain.pem ${i} 3 1 1 | awk '{print $NF}'`
                #echo "==> $NEWTLSA"                if [ "${OLDTLSA}" != "${NEWTLSA}" ] ; then
                        /path/to/dnssec.sh update-tlsa ${domain} ${OLDTLSA} ${NEWTLSA} > /dev/null
                        echo "TLSA RR update for ${i}"                fi

So, quite simple and obviously a quick hack. For sure someone else can write a cleaner and more sophisticated implementation to do the same stuff, but at least it works for meTM. Use it on your own risk and do whatever you want with these scripts (licensed under public domain).

You can invoke check_tlsa.sh right after your crontab call for letsencrypt.sh. In a more sophisticated way it should be fairly easy to invoke these scripts from letsencrypt.sh post hooks as well.
Please find the files attached to this page (remove the .txt extension after saving, of course).



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